Ranging from routine to advanced procedures, our team of veterinarians and veterinary technicians are fully equipped to meet all your pet’s medical needs. Although we handle most of your pet’s medical and surgical needs in-house, we occasionally refer patients to veterinary specialists or specialty clinics when advanced training or equipment is beneficial. To learn more about our referral services, call us at 519-972-9000.
Why does my pet need to be referred?
We make referral decisions to ensure our patients receive a high standard of care and the best possible outcome. Be assured that when we refer patients to another hospital, we continue to stay involved with their care, consulting with the treating specialist and often providing any needed follow-up care and rehabilitation. If you have been referred to our hospital, welcome – you’re in great hands! Your primary hospital would have already sent over your pet’s medical history, so we’ll have everything we need to treat your pet.
Who will you refer my pet to?
Specialty clinics and university-affiliated referral centers have specialized equipment to perform procedures not routinely performed by general veterinary practitioners. Depending on your pet’s medical needs, we may also refer your pet to board-certified specialists, such as oncologists, ophthalmologists, and neurologists, who have extensive experience and training in a particular area of veterinary medicine or surgery. Whether you are a long-time client, visiting us for the first time, or are being transferred by your family veterinarian, we will provide a tailored treatment plan to help diagnose and treat your pet. Our main goal is to ensure your pet receives the medical care and treatment they deserve.